AWS Professional Services SRC チームは、セキュリティ戦略とロードマップの構築、アーキテクチャ設計と実装サポート、技術評価、インシデント対応、セキュリティコントロール実装サポートなど、さまざまな顧客エンゲージメントを提供できるセキュリティコンサルタントを求めています。AWS の営業、エンジニアリング、トレーニング、認定チーム、サポートチーム、およびパートナーと協力して、お客様が AWS でのセキュリティビジネスの成果を確実に達成できるよう、技術支援を提供します。これには、プリセールスの機会への貢献、顧客のセキュリティとコンプライアンス要件の理解、顧客エンゲージメントにおけるセキュリティソリューションの提案と提供が含まれます。これらの契約には、アーキテクチャやコンプライアンスのロードマップ、セキュリティガイドライン、セキュリティギャップ評価、セキュリティアーキテクチャと設計のレビュー、セキュリティ制御とサービスの実装につながる短期間のオンサイトまたはリモートプロジェクトが含まれます。
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Professional Services Security, Risk and Compliance (SRC) team is a paid consulting organization that works with our largest enterprise customers in various industries to achieve their business outcomes securely and faster in the cloud. Through project-based support, our security consultants contribute work with our customers on innovative solutions that promote cloud technology for the purpose of solving customer business problems faster and for long-term business expansion.
The AWS Professional Services SRC team is seeking a Security Consultant who can deliver a variety of customer engagements, including building security strategies and roadmaps, architecture design and implementation support technical assessments, incident response and security control implementation support. You will work with AWS sales, engineering, training & certifications and support teams as well as partners to provide technical assistance to customers to ensure they are successful in achieving their security business outcomes on AWS. This includes contributing to pre-sales opportunities, understanding customer security and compliance requirements, and proposing and delivering security solution in customer engagements. These Engagements include short on-site or remote projects leading to architecture or compliance roadmaps, security guidelines, security gap assessments, security architecture and design reviews as well as implementation of security controls and services.
As an Associate Security Consultant, you have consulting, technology management, or service operations experience in the field of Cyber Security. You have experience in the design/implementation in multiple areas of Cyber Security, such as Identity and Access management, Infrastructure Security, Data Security, Application Security or Incident Detection and Response. You’ve been hands-on as a software developer, system administrator, network engineer, or systems architect and have experience collaborating with larger delivery teams or other IT and Cyber Security professionals. You have an good technical understanding of Cloud and IT systems and are familiar with the advantages of commercial cloud, zero-trust architectures, secure software development practices, and application of advanced technologies.
This role requires effective verbal and written communication skills, strong attention to detail, and the ability to work backwards from ambiguous requirements to distill vast amounts of information into clear, concise communications. The right candidate is data-driven, comfortable working effectively in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment, and is adaptable managing priorities and working effectively across a number of internal stakeholders. This role involves frequent engagement with both customer’s technical and business stakeholder and a candidate who can effectively influence multiple internal and external teams and is viewed as a trusted advisor.
- お客様のサイトで AWS の担当者として効果的な情報共有とディスカッションを行うためのコミュニケーションスキル
- 顧客、パートナー、社内の他の部署と連携してプロジェクトを進めるスキル
- セキュリティに関する知識と経験に基づいて、ビジネスニーズを理解し、難しい技術的問題を特定して解決するコンサルティング能力
- 次の1つ以上の分野(アプリケーションセキュリティ、IDおよびアクセス管理/データ保護/ネットワークなどのインフラストラクチャセキュリティ/ロギングと監視、インシデント検出と対応)でのサイバーセキュリティの設計と実装の経験
- ビジネスレベルの日本語の読解力、文書作成能力、顧客、パートナー、他部署を含む同僚との会話能力
- 社内チームとコミュニケーションをとるための会話英語スキル
- これは顧客向けの職務です。適切かつ安全な場合は、必要に応じて専門的なサービスを提供するためにクライアントの所在地に出向くようお願いします
- Communication skills for effective information sharing and discussions as an AWS representative at the customer site
- Skills to advance projects in collaboration with customers, partners, and other departments within a company
- Consulting ability to understand business needs and identify and resolve difficult technical issues based on your knowledge and experience related to security.
- Experience in cyber security design and implementation in one or more of the following areas (application security, identity and access management/data protection/infrastructure security such as networks/logging and monitoring, incident detection and response).
- Business level Japanese reading, document writing, and conversation skills with customers, partners, and colleagues including other departments.
- This is a customer-facing role. When appropriate and safe, we will ask you to travel to client locations to deliver professional services when needed.
- ビジネス、製品、技術的な課題について戦略的に考える能力
- 複雑な技術文書をさまざまな企業関係者に提示するための優れた口頭および書面によるコミュニケーションスキル
- ネットワーク、オペレーティングシステム、アプリケーションセキュリティのセキュリティ評価とセキュリティアーキテクチャレビューをオンプレミスとクラウドで実施した経験
- ソフトウェアエンジニアリングのベストプラクティス(ソースコードレビュー、ソースコード管理、ビルドプロセス、テスト、リリースおよび変更管理、自動化)に関する最新情報
- ソフトウェア開発ライフサイクル(SLDC)とアジャイル/反復方法論に関する実務知識
- CISSP、CISA、CISM、CCSPなどの業界認定を取得している
- 次世代ファイアウォール、ウェブアプリケーションファイアウォール、侵入検知/防止、インシデント対応、セキュリティ情報およびイベント管理(SIEM)、識別およびアクセス管理(IAM)コントロールの1つ以上での実装経験
- NIST、PCI-DSS、ISO/IEC 27001、ISO/IEC 27017、FISCなどのコンプライアンスフレームワークに関する実装経験
- コードとしてのインフラストラクチャ、またはCloudFormation、Terraform、Ansible、Chef、Puppetなどの構成管理テクノロジーに関する知識または経験
- スクリプトスキル、すなわち PowerShell、Python、Node.js、Javascript、Bash、Ruby、Perl など
- 英語で流暢にコミュニケーションをとり、プレゼンテーションを行う能力
- Ability to think strategically about business, product, and technical challenges
- Strong verbal and written communications skills to present complex technical documents across a varied enterprise stakeholders
- Experience in performing security assessments and security architecture reviews of network, operating systems and application security on-premise and in the cloud
- Up-to-date with software engineering best practices (source code reviews, source code management, build processes, testing, release and change management, automation)
- Working knowledge of the software development life cycle (SLDC) and agile/iterative methodologies
- Holds industry certifications such as CISSP, CISA, CISM, or CCSP
- Implementation experience in one or more of the following: Next Generation Firewalls, Web Application Firewalls, Intrusion Detection/Prevention, Incident Response, and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Identify and Access Management (IAM) controls.
- Implementation experience with compliance frameworks such as NIST, PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, FISC, etc.
- Knowledge or experience in Infrastructure as Code or Configuration Management technologies such as CloudFormation, Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, etc.
- Scripting skills, i.e., PowerShell, Python, Node.js, Javascript, Bash, Ruby, Perl, etc.
- Conversational English skills to communicate with internal team #aws-jp-proserv-ap #AWSJapan